Ending Contact With An Abusive Family System: About The Emotional Aftermath
What Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA) Adult Survivors Need to Know Before Going 'No Contact'
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The video I’m attaching below addresses the emotional aftermath many Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA) adult survivors experience after ending contact with abusive family members (or their entire family system).
As a clinician specializing in ‘invisible’ (psycho-emotional) child and adult child abuse, I’ve been concerned for some time by the fact that non-licensed, non-certified self-proclaimed ‘experts’ typically promote the idea that anyone who has ever been abused by a family member needs to “go no contact right now!”
In this video, I share why this ‘recommendation’ is not always an appropriate one; and why anyone considering (or currently planning on) ending contact with one or more members of their family needs to prepare carefully before doing so. I also discuss why ending contact may not give the immediate relief one might think (although there can be many positive effects experienced down the road).
If you are a free subscriber and enjoy my video content, you may want to upgrade to a paid subscription as I plan to release videos on Substack that I won’t be releasing anywhere else, including videos addressing more sensitive topics that are not considered “suitable” for advertisers on YouTube.