Survey (All Subscribers): Narcissism Labeling and FSA Survivors
All subscribers - free and paid - are invited to participate. Your answers will remain confidential.
Yesterday I released an article discussing the consequences of labeling someone “a narcissist” and how this might impact both the accused and accuser. In case you missed this article, you can read it here: What Happens When We Weaponize the Term Narcissist
Today, I’m inviting all subscribers who identify as adult survivors of family scapegoating abuse (FSA) - both free and paid - to participate in a brief survey regarding being labeled “a narcissist” by a nuclear or extended family member. You need not identify yourself in this survey.
The purpose of this survey is to understand experiences related to being called a narcissist in the context of family scapegoating abuse (FSA). Your responses will remain confidential, although I may share a summary of the survey results within our Substack community.
You can take this survey by clicking on the button below. Thank you for your participation.
Due to a technical issue I have Substack looking into, this survey is NOT always accessible via the mobile app; you may there need to use a browser instead and access from your desktop / laptop / chromebook / ipad type device. Use this link to access survey on your browser: