Video: Seven Steps to Help Adult Survivors of Family Abuse Overcome Social Isolation
Part 2 of my series on Social Isolation as an effect of Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA) and Complex Trauma (C-PTSD) symptoms
In last week’s video, I discussed six effects of family scapegoating abuse (FSA) that can result in adult survivors of FSA experiencing a profound sense of disconnection from others, resulting in the painful of social isolation.
In my video today, I share seven steps that FSA adult survivors - including those struggling with complex trauma symptoms - can take to overcome fears of connecting with others.
I do want to emphasize that as an FSA adult survivor myself, I understand first-hand what it feels like to be cut off from community and social connection. At the age of 54, I left the only state I had ever lived in and moved to a small beach town where I knew no-one, in part due to FSA dynamics. I had to re-establish my clientele as a licensed therapist, secure housing, and set about rebuilding my life from the ground up. It was several years before I even had the inclination to want to connect with others again, in part due to complex trauma symptoms I was experiencing. The steps I lay out in this video have not only helped clients I’ve worked with in my FSA Recovery Coaching practice, but they helped me as well.
Today, I embrace the beauty and gentle ease of solitude, yet I also have the ability and freedom to connect with others if I choose to. Helping others to get to a place where they also have such a choice is the point of this video, which you can watch my clicking on the button, below.