
Thanks, Caroline - I appreciate your sharing my post!

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Jul 4Liked by Rebecca C Mandeville LMFT CCTP

Well said! And happy Independence Day to everyone. Here is to our freedom from oppression!

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Thanks, Sef!

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Jul 4Liked by Rebecca C Mandeville LMFT CCTP

Beautifully said, Rebecca. Independence as an FSA for me means listening to my authentic voice, setting firm boundary’s, continuing to be open to learning and being vulnerable- to trust my process and not allow those critical voices of my family haunt me. Facing my fears and learning that joy in life is an option. ❤️

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Beautiful, Jaye. Your last sentence, especially. Happy 4th!!

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Jul 4Liked by Rebecca C Mandeville LMFT CCTP

Thank you, Rebecca! Happy 4th!

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Jul 5Liked by Rebecca C Mandeville LMFT CCTP

As a Canadian, Independence Day does not resonate with me, but the meaning you have found within it does. I am grateful to be on a healing journey, seeking my true self. It's been five years since I've spoken to any of my siblings and my parents are dead. In many ways, I am only beginning to recognize the harm caused by the emotional bullying... being blamed for things I did not do, false rumours, and most of all exclusion. I have to regularly remind myself to be gentle and to not blame myself for the loneliness that has haunted me for many years. It is an ongoing journey. Every year brings more healing. One of the ways that I know there is healing is the friendships I am developing. It's not easy for me to trust, but I am gathering near to the people who see me as I am and I am learning to dare to be myself. Thank you for this community which is another way to ease the loneliness and journey towards healing.

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You're welcome, Debbie - This new and growing community of FSA adult survivors also feeds and nurtures my soul and brings me comfort for the reasons you mention. On my end, I had stopped dancing and singing (I used to perform at a semi-professional level) due to debilitating symptoms related to FSA, C-PTSD, and Rejection sensitivity dysphoria (RSD). Reclaiming these lost aspects of self - which requires at times re-engaging with others and our community - is indeed part of our FSA recovery journey and I appreciate you sharing where you are in your own healing process with us here - It is a true message of hope that I find both personally and professionally inspiring.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Rebecca C Mandeville LMFT CCTP

I am so happy that you are dancing and singing. Those body-based art forms can be so vitalizing. What a joy that you have reclaimed that. My creative outlet is writing. Somehow I can say all that I want to say in my fiction and most of the time I am not afraid... and even when I am, I write.

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Thank you, Debbie. I plan to start a dedicated discussion thread or chat area for writers here, I'll be sending out a survey to get a better idea of what people want in regard to that so stay tuned.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Rebecca C Mandeville LMFT CCTP

It really helped me alot when I reclaimed my identity publicly with a post on TikTok that was a picture of me on the beach, a young beautiful vibrant huge smile with a gang of my fellow aerobic instructor team all wearing corona girl outfits, a great song, and the words in the picture say "I' define myself now, not YOU! I've been getting really good therapy and feel my joy and narrative changing so much that I'm less triggered and getting along with my husband who's passive Aggressive, uses a nasty tone alot. It's like taking hold and enjoying who I am and what life means to me the way it should've been done by my parents and my family. The way we embrace and nurture our beautiful babies and children being done for the first time ever but by ME, IM nurturing the little girl and the woman inside of me, myself. Unreasonable expectations are fading, concern for what others think of me or what they do is fading.

But this is only after three years of gaining knowledge about FSA mobbing, revisiting situations that prove to expose the truth, realizing it will never change thinking it might and having gone back for more with a forgiving and loving heart last year, and now letting go and not wishing it were different. Instead that energy is now on ME.

therapy, and alot of cool posts about letting go on my TikTok page. Lots of happy posts of the things that make me who I am, EMBRACING!!! who I am.

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I love hearing all of this, Annette! It is evident you have reached that critical place in our FSA healing and recovery known as 'radical acceptance'. It is a powerful, liberating thing, indeed. To accept WHAT IS, despite it being a painful, unalterable reality (FSA dynamics). Feel free to share your TikTok page link here if you like, and thank you for taking the time to comment.

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